DMCA Policy for DarwinStudio.Ai
DarwinStudio.Ai, alongside its associated subdomain app.DarwinStudio.Ai, holds a deep commitment to upholding the intellectual property rights of all individuals. It is our firm belief that users of our platform should likewise respect these rights. As mandated by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA), we pledge to swiftly address any instances of copyright infringement reported to our designated copyright agent.
Takedown Notice Instructions
Should you be a copyright owner or act on behalf of one, and suspect that content hosted on our website (DarwinStudio.Ai) or its subdomain ( infringes upon your copyrights, you have the right to submit a notification under the DMCA. This submission should be made in writing to our designated copyright agent and must include:
- A signature, either physical or electronic, from an authorized individual representing the allegedly infringed exclusive rights owner.
- Clear identification of the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed.
- Specific identification of the infringing material to be removed or disabled, along with information on its location.
- Contact information allowing DarwinStudio.Ai to reach you, including address, telephone number, and preferably an email address.
- A statement affirming your good faith belief that the material’s usage, as reported, lacks authorization from the copyright owner, their agent, or applicable law.
- A statement asserting the accuracy of the provided notification and confirming, under penalty of perjury, your authorization to act on behalf of the allegedly infringed exclusive rights owner.
Attn: DMCA Notice
c/o AtmosAi
109 E. 17th Street, Cheyenne Wyoming, 82001
In the event that you believe content removal or disabling occurred erroneously or due to misidentification, you retain the option to send a counter notice to our designated agent. Your counter notice must include:
- Your signature, whether physical or electronic.
- Identification of the removed content and its prior location before removal or disabling.
- A statement, made under penalty of perjury, affirming your good faith belief that removal or disabling resulted from a mistake or misidentification.
- Your name, address, telephone number, and consent to the jurisdiction of the federal court in [Your Jurisdiction], accepting service of process from the original DMCA notifier or their agent.
DarwinStudio.Ai and its subdomain app.DarwinStudio.Ai uphold a strict policy against repeat infringement of copyrights. In appropriate circumstances, we will terminate user accounts found to engage in repeated copyright infringements. Additionally, we reserve the right to terminate user accounts upon even a single instance of infringement